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French government

Published on 25 January 2022

​ITER is a tremendous opportunity for France!

In 2005, the French government set up a specific office to welcome the ITER project, facilitate its integration, support its construction, and capitalise on its economic spinoffs. Through its international agreements, the government has created a network of dedicated services that can answer all questions about the project and help with administrative procedures.

The Regional Prefect - through the General secretariat in charge of regional affairs and the Sub-prefect of Aix-en-Provence - has been given the remit of interfacing with the local authorities that provide funding for the ITER project, together with all the other public service departments and administrations.

Accueil | La préfecture et les services de l'État en région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur (


ITER/ French government contact

Tel : 06 78 88 44 54