As the main stakeholder in the economic development of the south,
'Région Sud' is responsible for catering to the needs of businesses and allowing companies to thrive.
To fulfil this role, regional leaders have set out an ambitious roadmap: an economic and innovation strategy that features a 20-year plan with fixed goals to be met every three years.
The FIER program
To help finance projects,
Région Sud has initiated the FIER programme, a special investment fund for regional companies. This programme plays a central role in the region's overall economic development strategy and creates a one-stop service for companies of all sizes and at all stages of development; it offers solutions and provides access to a range of different financing options.
Sectors of excellence
Economic vitality also requires a good match between the supply and demand of jobs and the development of apprenticeship schemes alongside the development of skills.
With a strategy resolutely focused on specialization, we have focused our efforts on sectors of excellence.
The Région Sud's site dedicated to businesses
With such programmes,
Région Sud is fully committed to working with companies to foster growth and create jobs. More details are available through the
Région Sud's site dedicated to businesses (in French only).
This is a one-stop entry point for businesses in the region for all matters of economy, employment, training, innovation and internationalization. It clarifies and simplifies access to information, but also deploys a range of services allowing companies, project leaders and users to be better supported in their procedures.
Région Sud, the number one partner for companies, intends to conquer the employment market hand in hand with them.

Visit or call 0 805 805 145 from Monday to Friday, services and calls free of charge.